Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday 18 August 2013 Carillon Bells

From the YMCA tower  in Jerusalem where we played the Carillon Bells -  the Jerusalem Center on Mount Scopus is above the crane. The wall surrounding Jerusalem near Jaffa Gate is behind the crane. Some say the Jerusalem Center is on Mt Scopus, and some say it is on Mt of Olives. Mt. Scopus is an extension of Mt of Olives. It was fun playing the Carillon Bells.  You push or hit levers that are connected with wires to the bells which are on the floor above.

 Looking the opposite direction from the Jerusalem Center from the YMCA tower.

John and Jan Clayton are playing the practice machine.  It is not connected to the bells so they can rehearse their music before they play the real bells.  The Carillon Bell organ is behind them, with wires running from the levers through the ceiling to the next floor where they connect to the bells. Jan plays the bells every Sunday morning for an hour.  She takes students with her to give them the opportunity to play.

The bell tower is above the Carillon Bell organ. There are 35 bells.
    Linda and Gary played their first piece on the real Carillon bell organ for all of Jerusalem to hear.   Linda hit the levers with her fist. The wires connect to the bells above.
 Carillon organ from the front with a view of the connecting wires.

 Jan pushes or hits the levers .

Smaller bells hang above the larger bells.

Small chapel in the basement of the YMCA. We walked down very narrow, circular stairs to get from the Carillon organ to the basement.

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