Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday December 1, 2013 Mt Tabor, Megiddo, and Jezreel Valley

Megiddo was ruled by the Canaanites before it fell to the Israelites. It became one of Solomon's chariot cities and was fortified by Jeroboam and Ahab. It guards a pass that opens into the Jezreel Valley along the north-south Via Maris route and the east-west route from Acco to Beth Shean. Archaeologists have uncovered 20 distinct strata beginning in 7000 BC. As cities were conquered, the conqueror would destroy the old city and erect a new city on top of the old. Megiddo was a battle scene of Pharaohs Thutmose III, Ramses II, Shishak, Necho, Tiglath-Pileser III, King David, King Solomon,  Alexander the Great and Napolean.
Gate at the entrance of Megiddo, overlooking the Jezreel Valley.

To Linda's right beyond the top of the railing is a Canaanite Round Altar.

 It was a windy day on Megiddo.  This is the Jezreel Valley and one of the routes that passed by Megiddo. Joshua assigned Megiddo to Manasseh, but the Israelites were unable to conquer it until Solomon.

Water had to be brought from outside the fortified city because it was on a hill.  Workers channeled vertically through the bedrock below the city and then...

 ...horizontally out to the water source.

Mount Tabor is in the Jezreel Valley about 11 miles southwest of the Sea of Galilee and within site of Nazareth  The prophetess Deborah beat the Canaanites in a battle at Mount Tabor.   Jesus may have been transfigured here and promised the keys of the kingdom of heaven to his apostles.
The chapel on top of Mount Tabor.  The students sang inside the chapel.  Several tourists, monks and nuns thanked us for singing.

 The Canaanites had an advantage because they had chariots of iron.  Barak was the Israelite army leader. He was afraid to engage the Canaanites in the Jezreel Valley until Deborah promised to go with him into battle. It rained the day of the battle and the heavy chariots could not maneuver in the mud. The Canaanite advantage was neutralized and the Israelites defeated the superior Canaanite army.

The ceiling of the chapel on Mt Tabor depicts the transfiguration.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the pictures love them wish i could be there to see in person.
