Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday 8 December 2014 Shorouq, Azariya School, Hinnom Valley

We had a driver take us into Bethany (Azariya) to Shorouq, a women's empowerment program.  Fatima, on the left, is the director and wanted to give us a table cloth for a Christmas present.  We explained that we couldn't accept gifts and we compromised on a hot pad.They had a lovely breakfast prepared for us.
Fatima took us to the local Azariya public school that would like BYU to help with a covering for the play ground.
Shorouq makes a healthy lunch to sell at the school.   A Shorouq employee runs the lunch bar.
I taught them a song with actions.  The children all stood at attention and recited a welcome when we entered the classroom.
This is the area they would like covered with an umbrella type of covering.
The principal, on the left, showed us around the school.
The library uses the Dewy decimal system of sorting books but there weren't a lot of books to sort.
The children were well behaved and adorable.
They sang us a song they had learned at school.

That afternoon we parked our car at the bottom of the Hinnom Valley and walked up the road.  The 
valley is very steep making it  hard for ancient conquering forces to attack Jerusalem from the south.

There were caves along the hillside
and a walking path.
During the 1948 War, the Jewish people sent supplies into Jerusalem at night using this cable car.   It was a source of supplies for Jews during the city's siege and was kept a secret from Arab forces.

The cable still spans the Hinnom Valley and connects to the Old City.

Jewish Music School in the Hinnom Valley

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