Friday, May 9, 2014

Sunday 4 May 2014 Arab Orthodox Society celebration

 We were invited by Nora Kort to a celebration for the Arab Orthodox Society. Nora is a wonderful, energetic woman. It was held at St. James Cathedral on the plaza of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  After there was a reception at Nora's restaurant / museum near Jaffa Gate.  Linda was sick so Blaine went alone. The Liturgy lasted over an hour and a half and was conducted by the Greek Patriarch Bishop.  Following the Liturgy, Nora invited Blaine to be in a picture with the Bishop and Nora's friends. Then there was a procession to Nora's museum on David Street near Jaffa Gate.  The Bishop conducted a discussion about the Israeli governments efforts to enlist non-Jews into the Isareli military, which he is against. After treats, they visited a bit longer and then left.  Blaine talked to an Armenian woman and her half Armenian husband.  Their families have been in Jerusalem since Crusader times. She said Armenians stick together as a community wherever they are.  There are many Armenians in eastern Turkey and in other countries surrounding Armenia.  
The Greek Bishop during the Liturgy

Nora is on the Bishop's left and her friend Yvette is on the Bishop's right.

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