Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tuesday 3 June 2014 Nazareth

Lee, Joan, Jason, Jillian, Blaine, and I stayed overnight at the branch house in Tiberias with Foxes.  In the basement they have a bomb shelter with gas masks.  They store the bedding and mattresses in the bomb shelter.

We drove up by the Lebanon border and visited Stephanie Black, the director of an NGO.  After we drove down to Nazareth and went to the Nazareth Village.  It was a recreation of how things were at the time of Christ.

Jillian with baby goat.
Jillian with another girl in our tour with baby goats.

Burial caves where decomposed bodies were stored.
Burial tomb with stone cover
Watch tower

Winepress where grapes were stomped. The juice ran into the cistern.

Oil press under the ground in a cave

Crushing mill where the olives were broken down into a pulp


Blaine and I visited Almanarah (society for disabled people) in Nazareth. The director Abas Abas, is blind. When he was applying for disability, the doctor asked him what he wanted to do with his life.  Abas told him his goals and the doctor said he would  never be able to accomplish it because he was blind.  When Abas started Almanarah he called the doctor to tell him what he was doing.  The doctor replied that it was he who was blind and asked if he could be the first to contribute to his organization.

BYU provided them with new chairs.
Many beautiful flowers were in bloom.

1 comment:

  1. You guys have all the connections to wonderful adventures. The flower pictures are elegant. Glad to see you blogging again.
