Monday, July 14, 2014

Wednesday 25 June 2014 Father Abraham Bazaar and Fire at Jerusalem Center

On Wednesday, June 25, we went to a bazaar at Father Abrahams Hotel, which is near the old Silwan Elementary School.  John and Jan Clayton went with us and when we entered, everyone started clapping.  I think we were the first people of the evening to come.  The children game over and asked if we would like to see a dance they had prepared for the evening.

They had booths set up selling everything from T-paper to jewelry.  They had us dance with them after their presentation.

The hotel is in Silwan which is south and east of the Old City.

When we got home from the bazaar, we found a firetruck in the driveway at the JC.  Eran Hyat, the director, is fighting the fire.
BYU security called the fire department but they didn't come immediately knowing our staff would put out the fire.

Notice how clean everyone is but our staff.

The security staff had pitched in and had the fire under control before the fire department even got there.  In fact, they told us when they called the fire department, the dispatcher said yes, they knew about it and would keep their eye on it.  They knew BYU would take care of it.  Then they called the police who called the fire department again and this time they had to come.  You can tell by their dirty clothes who responded first.  They teased Tarek and Murad, the two in the middle, about how clean they were.  The security staff is a great bunch of men and would do anything for us.  I tell them I want to take them home and they say they would love to go home with us.

From left to right: Firas Qara'in, Rami Naber, Murad Abbassi, Tarek Safadi, and Jamal Shami


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