Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday 1 October 2014 Home Teaching Marcous in Bethlehem

Wednesday, Oct. 1, Blaine and I went home teaching to the Marcos family.   They live in the apartment building above the church.  To get there we drive to the border crossing and park our car in a field used for  parking.

Our parking lot is an open field.

This is the border between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.  Bethlehem is in the West Bank.  Here are a couple of Muslim men praying towards Mecca at the border.

Israelis are not allowed into Bethlehem and Palestinians cannot leave without special permission.
This is the Separation Wall that completely cuts off Bethlehem from Jerusalem and the rest of the world.  The sheep and goats graze in the fields.

This is the border crossing we walk through each time we come to Bethlehem.

When we get to the other side, there are always plenty of taxi drivers who want to take us into the Church of the Nativity.  The branch house is just 2 blocks from the border so we can easily walk.  It is in the basement of an apartment building.

This is Yara Marcos, their 7 year old daughter,

Ameer age ten,

and their son, Nadeem age 4.

1 comment:

  1. Next time you see Mohammed tell him hello from Walter Whipple. Walter was the organist at the JC three organists ago and home taught Mohammed the whole time he lived there. I had the opportunity of visiting with Walter this morning and he recalled many special memories of making that crossing into Bethlehem.
